Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meher's Sexuality and Lifestyle Blog.: Shane Warne..New Lifestyle And Great Fitness Loo...

Meher's Sexuality and Lifestyle Blog.: Shane Warne..New Lifestyle And Great Fitness Loo...: "Liz Hurley Shane Warne in 2009 Shane Warne the heart throb Australian cricketer recently looks younger, healthier, fitter. He den..."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Issues In Devolution,the case for HEC, Pakistan.

As the higher Education Commission is said to be devolved to the provinces under the 18th amendment there is hue and cry from the students, their parents and many others. The students fear that they will be deprived of a very helpful means to do PhD studies with scholarship which most of them being middle class and lower middle class cannot afford to. The academicians and intellectuals fear that the provinces as it is ill prepared to even handle primary and secondary level education will really mess up the higher education programs of HEC. Most people are in favor of retaining HEC at federal level. The views expressed by Mr. Akhtar Ali who has written Pakistan's Development Challenges recently and also The Political Economy of Pakistan, An Agenda for Reforms and Restructuring in 1994, clearly encompass the realistic aspects in his article .This issue needs to be handled carefully and in a very  compassionate manner as the future of Pakistan's intellegensia is involved. http://www.brecorder.com/component/news/single/626:news.html?id=1177178