News and views about health,social issues, current affairs,culture, politics,poetry,jokes and other topics by a Pakistani citizen.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Pakistan's Biblical Floods :Where Is The World?
Today 600 children are dying a day, millions of women are displaced, without shelter, food and clean drinking water because of the floods calamity which does not seem to recede. A country who fought US war against the Soviets, and now whose own land is littered with the bodies of its martyrs for fight against terrorism, is sadly left alone standing in mighty flood waters of 'Biblical' proportions. Why has the world response been so poor, lukewarm and late? Why is the Muslim World's response equally invisible, and in-consequent? These are the two questions which millions of Pakistanis are asking again and again. Where are the shows of unity and show of friendship with the women and children of Pakistan? Where is the thrust to win their hearts and minds. The US is apparently the only country that is at least showing some semblance of help and a few others like Norway, India, and France. But where is China? So many European countries and Muslim countries are inconspicuous by their absence.
They say that more than 12% of the population of Pakistan is displaced and shelter-less right now. They say that the diseases like gastro-enteritis, skin diseases, dehydration, viral and bacterial infections of the gut and chest are spreading fast.
With the crops of wheat, rice, cotton, and millets grains gone in the floods on the plains of Sindh and Punjab, there will be acute food shortages. There will be massive food cost inflation. With the employed like farmers, tillers displaced from their lands, the unemployment and poverty will rise acutely. Pakistan needs urgent relief with kind and much more with money to rebuild and rehabilitate. There has to be a disaster relief fund for the agricultural workers whose lands and crops have been destroyed. This should be given in addition to their dwelling and infrastructure & tractor loss relief fund.
The World Bank has to create a special disaster relief fund for the Pakistani agricultural/ small farmers which should be disbursed directly by the WB. No intermediary should be involved except for providing logistical support. This is crucial. According to a credible NGO the floods in Sindh have destroyed many villages and towns as the bunds or dams were intentionally broken by influential landlords to save their own lands. One such glaring example is the Mounder Town incident on 13th night when breaches created by private' bund' owners to save their land made the water inundate the whole town within hours and the army had to evacuate some 10,000 people in urgency. There have been many such examples all over Sindh. Sindh needs urgent relief like food, clean drinking water, medicines as the devastation is very large.
The relief aid when in cash form will also have to be disbursed through very strict transparency by foreign audit teams as the local made disbursement will never be transparent and effective.The Sindh government is overwhelmed by the scale and enormity of the disaster. They neither have the logistics, the capacity or the personnel to handle such a calamity. Their seriousness of purpose or even the understanding to apprehend the scale of the disaster is obvious from the fact that all they think especially the minister for irrigation that their primitive handling of opening and closing of waterways and bunds will be the most effective management system. When the residents of Sukkur are living in sheer fear of the disaster hitting their town , the minster for irrigation was scolding the journalists for spreading panic. This kind of mentality is also reflective in their recent handling of the under development of a credible team for the development of Thar Coal for which they have made a secretary of government the sole player. This is reflective of their sheer lack of understanding of the modern concepts of business and economic development.They think that by adhoc measures in a lordly, feudal fashion will solve the very overwhelming and major governance problems.
Jacobabad town has been urgently evacuated with millions leaving all behind because a breach is made in the "THORI" bund. This is done to lessen the pressure on Sukkur barrage. The water is now heading towards an air force base which is very important for logistical support and even more so now for relief aid logistics. Where and what was the original flood response plan? The Sindh Peoples Party Government was more concerned with the fact that Karachi infrastructure was built and Karachi is for ethnic Sindhis also and it was least concerned about refurbishing and repairing the Sukkur barrage, repairing the canals and waterways, making a modern , cohesive flood disaster plan for all of Sindh. Few months back also when cyclone Phet hit coastal towns of Sindh they provided neither relief nor any financial help to the affectees, There is no Coastal Disaster response plan for Sindh where Karachi alone is the largest city of Pakistan in its purview. Who will develop the Karachi Disaster Management Plan and implement it? As all disaster management programs involve community participation especially coastal areas have to follow a cyclone management/evacuation plan.These are some of the questions which the Sindh government has to take seriously and also the federal government has to understand and impose.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Floods In Pakistan-Province by Province.UPDATE.
As the raging waters of Pakistan's flooded rivers hit the Sukkur Barrage ,Sindh more than 100 years old, the real picture of massive devastation of the villages and towns emerges. Sindh television, KTN news network are showing pictures of people almost drowning in the flood waters, trying to wade across to safety. The canal, Begari are under pressure. Bigger towns like Kashmore, Ghauspur have been flooded. People have just run for their lives leaving every thing behind. The reporters are reporting that thousands of people in Sindh are walking , exhausted on the roads , trying to reach the bigger towns. On the way they are asking for food and water from passing vehicles. They are asking for lift so that they can reach the towns that are safer. There is no drinking water, food and medicines. People who gave charity in Ramzan are asking for help now. The scenes being written and talked about are enormously devastating. See Dawn newspaper front page today. (11-8-2010). A social worker from Johi in District Dadu, Sindh reports that thousands of people in hundreds of villages are affected. There is no relief in the form of food, water or medicines. The saddest thing being discussed in almost all television channels is the lack of presence of rich philanthrophists in Sindh particularly. Only a few relief camps are seen in some areas and that too in very small areas. There is no organised relief activity of considerable presence by the Sindh government.
Baluchistan is in really bad state. Today the first hunger death of a woman was also reported from Baluchistan. The chief minister, Baluchistan also complains of lack of interest from the federal government in relief and rehabilitation for Baluchistan flood victims.The irrigation officers of the Sindh government are performing their duties albeit in an old fashioned, under staffed way. They are manipulating the closure and breaking of dykes in a primitive manner. There is no GIS system, no disaster MIS in Sindh . The NDMA is operating in a different way. There is no co-ordination between PDMA and other aid organisations. In Sindh there has been no disaster preparedness at the local level. The Sindh government has never taken any proactive role in disaster management. In previous devastation in Cyclone Phet hit coastal areas no relief was provided.
Sukkur town is also undergoing massive tense blacking out of the real situation as is reported in Dawn newspaper and also discussed on Sindh television. The residents are unaware of the situation and some are even saying that they are deliberately being kept in the dark. It is not known if the Sukkur barrage will withstand the excessive flooding. Large crops have been destroyed in Sindh province.So far the chief minster Sindh has kept the main control in his hands although at this time he should have formed a central crises cell with foreign and local experts in disaster management.
It seems that this province is now a living picture of how ill-governed and how exploited it has been by its own landed classes. The UN, RED CROSS, USAID should help the Sindh province directly by providing aid in food, drinking water, medicines, sanitation facilities, and final rehabilitation. The funds should be managed by the donors themselves and they should involve the local communities at the grass root level by the very small community groups and NGOs. As there is news of more flood waters reaching Sindh, there is now an urgent need to help Sindh.
Khyber- Pakhtunkhawa province has suffered enormously in these floods. as there were more rains their relief activities had to be intermittent. The provincial government has now diverted its development funds towards relief. There has been massive damage to house, residential abodes, some 7 lakhs according to a rough estimate as told in a press briefing by minister Qamaruzaman Kaira. All these will have to be built. There has been massive destruction of roads, bridges and a power plant. These will have to be built quickly.
UN has launched an appeal for flood relief to the tune of $460 million at this time. This they will spend in food, health, medicines, sanitation and water.There has to be more appeals later on for rehabilitation and reconstruction.
As large number of crops are destroyed there will be massive food shortages, especially fruit and vegetables in the very near future all over the country. The WFP says it has food for 60 lakh people for a month only after which they will be needing more food aid.
The minister Qamaruzaman Kaira has said that there is forecast of more rains in the eastern rivers and when that occurs there will be more flooding. Pakistan has suffered at a colossal scale and according to the UN interms of the impact this has been the largest reported flood in history. The world community must act fast in providing help and aid in order to save Pakistan.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Charity: So What Good You Will Do This Ramzan?
As floods devastate and ravage all the areas of Pakistan , people are calling out for desperate help for donations and aid. The whole Pakistani nation and the international community is gearing up to help in any which way they can. In this hour of desperate need we need to gear up all our strength and resources to help the people who have almost lost eveything in this massive catastrophe. But there are also some reciepients of our giving which solely depend on our yearly Ramzan Zakaat, donations, Sadqaat and Fitra.. We must not forget these organisations, hospitals, and centres. Our philanthrophy should not end at giving a certain amount to the flood victims. We must give our zakaat and additional money this year to these organisations also that are dependent on our aid.I am listing some here but the next will continue on twitter #HELPPAKISTAN-RAMZAN forum.
SCINOSA: Society for children in need of special attention.
216, The Plaza, Khayabane Iqbal, Clifton, Karachi.75600.FAX: #92-21 35837684 Tel: #92-21 35838787.
MCB Bank Ltd. PLS A/C No. 1984-6, Corporate branch, Sharae Faisal, Karachi.
Bank Al- Habib Ltd. A/C No. 24989-01-3, Zamzama Branch Karachi.
Chhipa Welfare Association : Also appealing for Ambulances, share in purchase, as they are running a large ambulance service.
Head Office: Jiwangee building, Bohra Pir, Karachi 74200.
Contact Social worker Ramzan Chhipa ; 021-111-111-134
Child Aid Association: Providing free investigations & treatment to nearly 200 children every month at National Institute of Child Health (NICH) through Zakaat and Donations.
A/C No. 0022-01001354 with Bank Alfalah Ltd., DHA, Phase1, Korangi Bypass Branch, Karachi.
A/C No. 1020-81-4781-01-3 with Bank Al-Habib Ltd., Korangi Road Branch, Karachi.
A/C No. 54-00065-1770-86 with Habib Bank Ltd., JPMC Branch, Karachi.
A/C No. 144-2017113-006 with Faysal Bank Ltd., Korangi Road Branch, Karachi.
Address: Child Aid Association, c/o NICH, Rafiquee Shaheed Road, Karachi, Pakistan.
Tel: 92-21 35673052, 35652945 (Fax Ext 108). Email / .
Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospitals :send your donations and zakaat to: Executive Director, Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital, Jhelum Road, Rawalpindi. Tel: 92-51-5487820-4, 5487834. Email :
All bank branches of Askari Bank Ltd. National Bank Ltd. United Bank Ltd. Bank Al-Falah Ltd. Allied Bank Ltd. Habib Bank Ltd.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Floods In Pakistan-Province by Province.
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Happy in making tours, inaugrations, resembling Benazir. |
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Sindh always looks like this in floods, grass and huts inundated. |
Pakistan is facing major calamity and disaster as massive rains and flooding occurs in all its four provinces starting this month. More than 12 million people are affected, large areas with towns, crops and villages totally inundated. It started with the Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa province, previously known as the Frontier province.
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Mr. Zardari takes a controversial trip to UK while floods devastate Pakistan. |
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Always rains bring this fate. |
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Water water everywhere, none in a PET bottle for poor in Sindh. |
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Who cares if world protected sites destroyed. |
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This happens to any political opponent. Politics in Sindh. |
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Cyclone PHET attacked the miserable of Badin, Thatta and coastal Sindh. No relief. |
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Karachi after rains. |
They are just dumped into dilapidated school buildings without bedding and the drinking water being given is muddied and stinking as shown in television documentaries both local and national media channels.
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Poverty stricken people of the Sindhu river. |
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Opposition to new dams especially by Sindh, Dilemma? |
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With or without floods life and with floods , death! |
They had no mechanism of involving the local health units in management. The school teachers appointed to run the camps are also not trained. The sheer lack of empathy by the elitist ruling part politicians who have all huddled up in their air conditioned residences in Karachi's Defence and Clifton areas shows the kind of mentality the poor Sindhi has to face. While they try desperately to salvage their few cattle and animals, life in Karachi Pajeros, KFCs , Pizza Huts goes on.I am attaching photos for you to see for yourself what the poor citizen has to suffer. I salute the poor citizen,hats off to his courage, patience and tolerance
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Safe drinking water only for fashionable elected reps in 20 lakh blackened window cars of Sindh. This is a mug shot for publicity. |
Baluchistan also faced the massive floods due to typhoon Yenyemin and no relief was given.
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My romantic life only for ancient legends. Rest stark dusty reality. |
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Politics Of Violence In Karachi.
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Karachi burns out of control. |
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ANP red flags show of force a common scene in Karachi . |
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We are helpless citizens. See any ethnicity here? |
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Death is mourned with flag or without affiliation.. |
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living in fear , false sense of security. |
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What use modern bridges? |
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Where and how do we go? |
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Brutalization of society where administration fails. |
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This could be you or me. |
Then one day as I and my daughter were coming in our not so new car which my husband was driving , again in Gulistane Jauher near Baluch more , there was a burning tyres road block which had suddenly appeared. The minbus driver started gesturing my husband to turn back immediately. By the time we made a turn a man with a bamboo stick in his hand was ferociously running after our car almost reaching the back wind screen. Our car had even stopped in the middle of the return circle once but God wanted to save us. What would have happened to us if our car would have been reached by him. I shudder in dread. This was a Baluch belonging and favoring the ever vocal Mumtaz Ali Bhutto, who was hospitalized during a brief arrest in Karachi and this was supposed to be a protest. The ugliness and absurdity of violence shows how randomly it affects all who live here. He had no way of knowing who we were ethnically, religiously. We could have been writers writing in favor of Mumtaz Ali Bhutto.We could have been his supporters. But this shows how blind and ugly violence can be.
Here we are in this large city where all ethnic groups ought to live in harmony and here we are fighting over land . The mafias that are entrenched and have taken an ethno-social color are playing havoc with the lives o f the common citizen. What kind of city is this where exams are postponed every-time something happens. What kind of city is this where hospitals and clinics are burnt. What kind of city is this where residents are made siege over in their residences and streets with guns based on their presumed ethnicity as is happening in North Nazimabad and Orangi areas right now. What kind of political leadership is this where the Pakhtuns are lumped all into ANP and the Urdu speaking all into the MQM.
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This is a repeated violence |
Trips from Mr. Rahman Malik , the suave federal interior minister trying to plug all leaks will never be a substitute for true leadership and peace consensus in Karachi. I see a very ugly picture emerging. We have not been able to come to a happy 'Karachi camaraderie' even though we are earning well here. We have not learnt to live in peace and harmony even though we are living well here. By violence and turf wars we will never gain any victory. Successful cities like Los Angeles, have developed healthy citizen lobbies and groups where they only differ and franchise by vote. We have to live like humans. ANP and for that all Pathans of Karachi ought to develop a mechanism to enfranchise their people based on free vote and not ethnicity and the MQM and all Muhajir people have to see that they do not appear to sway uncontested power over the city. Meanwhile the utterly, totally quiet and invisible interior minister ought to make a more interactive, proactive, open dialogue with all the ethnic, political and citizen groups and not some trite, clandestine meetings with " core committees" which have so far failed to contain this random violence
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Consensus can only be built by open dialogue , not plug in meetings. |
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
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